PHP Basics: Built-in Types in PHP

PHP Basics: Built-in Types in PHP
Pierre Mukisa Nov 11, 2024 | Article PHP PHP Basics
Explore PHP's built-in types in this comprehensive guide! Learn about null, boolean, integer, float, string, array, object, callable, and resource types. #PHP #WebDevelopment #CodingTips

PHP is a dynamically typed language, meaning you don't need to declare the type of a variable when you create it; the type is determined at runtime based on the value assigned to it. This flexibility allows developers to write code more quickly and efficiently. However, PHP has several built-in types that restrict the kinds of operations you can perform on them.

Types Overview

PHP supports the following built-in types:

  1. Null: Represents a variable with no value.

    $var = null;
    echo get_debug_type($var); // Output: null
  2. Boolean: Represents a truth value, either true or false.

    $isTrue = true;
    echo get_debug_type($isTrue); // Output: bool
  3. Integer: A whole number without a decimal point.

    $number = 42;
    echo get_debug_type($number); // Output: int
  4. Float: A floating-point number, which includes decimals.

    $floatNumber = 3.14;
    echo get_debug_type($floatNumber); // Output: float
  5. String: A sequence of characters, such as text.

    $text = "Hello, World!";
    echo get_debug_type($text); // Output: string
  6. Array: A collection of values, which can be of different types.

    $array = [1, 2, 3, "four"];
    echo get_debug_type($array); // Output: array
  7. Object: An instance of a class.

    class MyClass {}
    $object = new MyClass();
    echo get_debug_type($object); // Output: MyClass
  8. Callable: A type that can be called as a function.

    function myFunction() {
        return "Hello!";
    $callable = 'myFunction';
    echo get_debug_type($callable); // Output: string
  9. Resource: A special variable that holds a reference to an external resource, like a database connection.

    $resource = fopen("file.txt", "r");
    echo get_debug_type($resource); // Output: resource

Type Juggling

One of the unique features of PHP is its ability to perform type juggling. This means PHP will automatically convert types as needed during operations. For example, if you use a string in a mathematical operation, PHP will attempt to convert it to a number.

Type Checking

PHP provides several functions for checking types:

  • get_debug_type(): Retrieves the type of an expression in a canonical form.
  • var_dump(): Outputs the value and type of a variable.
  • Type-specific functions help determine if a variable is of a specific type.

Here are some examples of type checking:

$var = 10.5;

// Check if $var is an integer
if (is_int($var)) {
    echo "$var is an integer.\n";
} else {
    echo "$var is not an integer.\n"; // Output: 10.5 is not an integer.

// Check if $var is a float
if (is_float($var)) {
    echo "$var is a float.\n"; // Output: 10.5 is a float.

// Using var_dump to show the variable type
var_dump($var); // Output: float(10.5)


Understanding PHP's built-in types is essential for effective coding. It not only helps in writing efficient code but also aids in debugging and maintaining applications. With dynamic typing and type juggling, PHP allows for flexibility while still providing mechanisms to enforce certain type constraints when necessary.

For more detailed information, you can refer to the PHP Manual on Types.

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